What if for one day everything stopped and we all just listened to the music? Talent is officially registered as a Play Music on the Porch Day location, a global celebration that spans 70+ countries and 1000+ cities worldwide. Talent’s PMotPD is a combined music & art walk loop through downtown Talent.Join us on Saturday, August 27th from 4 - 9 pm for this Free Event!
How to Participate:
- Host musicians on your "porch"
- Sign up & bring your music skills to a porch
- Add your mark during the real-time community sidewalk chalk art installation
- Lemonade stands encouraged
Fill out our form to have your home or business porch/front yard added to the event route map, or match-make between available porches and available musicians. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdlRRDW53Jw9kU1Jrsu94DF8FNxuebF_VU40xYt9_D-lQ3HA/viewformVisit www.talentbusinessalliance.org/musicontheporch for full details as they are set.
Historic Downtown Talent
04:00 PM - 09:00 PM on Sat, 27 Aug 2022
Event Supported By
Talent Business Alliance